Monday 21 November 2011

Identity development

In order to put my work for this brief in context, I have decided that these designs will be part of a Waitrose picnic foods promotional campaign - seasonal - potentially inline with the pending Olympic games.This was something that was discussed in the crit, and I feel is a good idea and will make this brief more rounded and realistic.

I have been working on the identity for the picnic range and promotion. I want to stick to this simple colour palette of red (used at different tints for the gingham), white and blue, for which I am using 15% and 30% Cyan with no other inks to lower commercial printing costs (should this be a real brief). This was something that was mentioned at the Generation Press talk - where possible use 0% on less prominent CMYK colours if you can.

The final slide is what I am going with as the final identity for this brief - time is running out and I have already spent too much time on this. I need to make some decisions and go with them. I may remove the bunting but other than that, this is the final illustration. This will be used for the reverse of the recipe cards as well as possibly part of the floor/wall in store graphics at Waitrose.

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