Thursday 10 November 2011

Notes from tutorial and redefining my deliverables

It came to light in my tutorial how I had neglected tow of my briefs since starting them earlier on in the module. I have now started to define my deliverables for both and am aiming to get them finished for next crit. I plan to leave my Fedrigoni brief for a week and really focus on getting these other ones put away as they are not far off, they just need some decisions making. My last brief for the social I have decided (after discussion in my crit) not to build a website or logo, but in fact to revisit each piece of work and rework them into a more consistent style so that they work well together as a set, and so I have some pieces for my portfolio that I am actually pleased with. It seems that despite being busy all the time and putting in long hours, I have not been as productive as I had hoped.

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