Monday 28 November 2011

Preparing type for laser cut session tomorrow

Today I had a meeting with my group from the workshop on friday - we had a productive crit of each others research and then Chris and I had a meeting about where to go with our Fedrigoni brief from here. Interestingly, in our research we had picked up on a couple of things that were the same, as well as some completely different angles. We decided on Friday after the workshop, that we would continue researching and discussing deliverables and ideas today, but by the end of the day would settle on an idea and go with it. We decided that I would start on the artwork - I have a laser cut session tomorrow so I am keen to try out some ideas as soon as possible. I investigated a range of typefaces and the have prepared two out of the four we need for cut tomorrow at 11am. I have a session on wednseday, thursday and friday so it will be good to see how tomorrow goes in order to prepare for the other sessions. We are aiming to be finished on the artwork by friday and photographed by monday.

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